InBalance Healthways
Marcia McGetrick-West

Meditation for Your Healing Journey


For your inquiries & questions please email Marcia:


Do you ever need a little peace and quiet from the busyness of your everyday life?

Well you have come to the right place…Marcía is offering you an opportunity to take a few minutes each day to learn and incorporate mindfulness meditation practices to enrich your daily life.

Picture this...You enter a warm, safe space that will offer you tools to peel away the layers of stress, anxiety, worry or whatever you are experiencing in the opportunity to be silent and quiet with your inner and outer awareness to balance and find peace as you simply sit and follow the gentle flow of breath. Sitting one on one or in a small group, listening and observing, we welcome the sensations of the body, emotions and thoughts...just Being aware of our awarenes in the presence of each moment. Just listening to our Life!

The offerings of a chosen meditation practice are healing for your physiology! Research shows that meditation provides calming effects to the Central Nervous System and the lowering of blood pressure, stress hormones and calms the busy mind... there are so many healthy benefits with a practice of mindfulness meditation.

Over the years, within our meditation group we have read, learned & discussed the writings & teachings of two beloved teachers Marcía was fortunate to study with. These two extraordinary teachers have provided us with many fine tools for approaching & deepening our practice & simply living our everyday daily lives... 

  • Charlotte Joko Beck: Everyday Zen, Love & Work...A pioneer in her own right, Joko was an inspiration to many. This is one of the first books on Zen Meditation practices that Marcía was first introduced to. This book is a collection of dharma talks given by Joko to students on practice approaches in our everyday lives in love and work.  Joko was a master at zeroing into the very center of our humanness by not romanticizing spirituality.....She was an encourager of courage, to face whatever was truly happening in the moment. As she said, "We enter a discipline like Zen Practice so that we can learn to live in a sane way. It takes courage to sit well."
  • Diane Eshin Rizzetto: Waking Up to What You Do...This book is a compilation of excellent practices in the study of the Buddhist Precepts as a way of deepening our individual self inquiry. Under the tutelage of Diane's wonderfully practical and thoughtful insights into our daily lives, we acquire life enriching tools that help us enter our practice, over and over again, every day. 
  • Other wonderful books on mindfulness meditation that have been influential are:
    • Jon Kabat-Zinn: "Mindfulness for Beginners...reclaiming the present moment...and your life"
    • Thich Nhat Hanh: "The Miracle of Mindfulness" 
    • Pema Chodren: "When Things Fall Apart, Heart Advice for Difficult Times"
    • Thich Nhat Hanh: "Peace is Every Step--The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life"

We practice meditation and yoga with kindness and compassion for ourselves, others and the greater good, so that we may all live a sane and peaceful life together.

Through our diligent practices we find glimmers of inner peace and awareness that begin to translate into our daily lives and ripple out into the communities we live, love, work and thrive in. 

Let us sit together as a community of "peace workers"...for the entire world!

Please email Marcía for any

Namasté, Marcía